In the recent months, our economy has taken a pretty tough beating yet again. The stock market has weathered the biggest drop since the collapse in 2008/2009. Besides having a 401k, I am honestly a little uneducated when it comes to stocks, Dow, S&P, bull and bear. However, I do know that our country is in an economic crisis. Most every American, from those on welfare to those on Park Avenue, has felt a pinch in their wallet at some point over the past few years. As a result, many Americans feel they must scale back on spending. They are shopping at Wal-Mart rather than Pottery Barn, Kohl’s instead of Barney’s. These cut backs are great, but an even more critical move is to cut back your numbers on the scale. While many people might think they can’t afford to eat healthier, get more exercise, and lose weight – in this economy, it is even more vital. Facts and statistics show that being at a healthy weight and taking better care of ourselves not only adds years to our life and life to our years, but adds dollars to our pockets. Here’s proof that cutting the fat can save you big:
- George Washington University recently reported that the average annual cost of being obese for a man is $2,646. If an obese man got to a healthy weight, he could save enough money for a new car within six years!
- Obese employees earn $7,000 less annually than their fellow lean employees. This may be due to the fact that obese employees cost employers millions of dollars each year in lost productivity, restricted activity, and more time spent on doctor’s visits.
- The annual medical spending on an obese person surpasses that of a normal-weight person by $1,429. You could make a house payment with your savings each year if you got to a healthy weight.
- The average cost of gastric bypass or gastric banding ranges from $17,000 to $35,000. However, the total number of fat cells in your body remains constant once you reach adulthood. Even after radical weight-loss procedures such as gastric bypass, fat cells return to their pre-surgery numbers within two years.
- Being overweight reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant. The average cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is about $12,000. The National Institutes of Health believes obesity is one of the reasons why the fastest-growing group experiencing infertility is that of women under 25.
- People who regularly eat dinner or breakfast in restaurants double their risk of becoming obese. You may think cooking healthy food at home is expensive, but I can make a healthy fresh meal for eight for less than $20 – it’s hard to find a restaurant that allows to people to eat for under $20.
- A Men’s Health survey recently found 62% of respondents would consider it grounds for divorce if their wife gained 100 pounds. The average cost of a divorce in the US is $15,000 – incentive enough for both sexes to keep their weight in a healthy range.
- People who lose just 10% of their weight report significant improvement in their sex lives. With Viagra costing approximately $15 per pill, the annual cost of treating erectile dysfunction (which can be caused by obesity) could be a real downer!

In this economy, we all need to trim the fat. Go to to see all the ways I can help you and those you love. Obesity is 100% preventable – and something we can no longer afford!
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