Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring Ahead, Propel Forward

For me as a kid, bathing suits were fun & care-free
As I write this blog entry, Memorial Day weekend is only 12 weeks away.  That means that the official start to summer will be here before we know it.  In fact, next weekend, we will set our clocks one hour ahead in anticipation of longer days, warmer mornings, and hotter nights.  As we set our clocks ahead, let this also be the time that we propel ourselves forward.  In the short time we have between now and Memorial Day weekend, we will have some pretty major events – spring break, spring weddings, Easter, prom, and a host of other warm weather activities.  Are YOU ready?

This winter has been especially brutal.  With the polar vortex and flu spreading all over the country, most of us have been hibernating and wrapped up in layers.  Chances are underneath those layers, we may be hiding some extra weight that is not quite ready for wedding or prom dresses, and certainly not bathing suits.  But have no fear, with a little hard work and determination, you can be ready to shed the layers and look fantastic in whatever attire spring and summer brings your way.

For me in high school, bathing suits
caused anxiety and the need to hide
I know personally how scary the thought of spring break, bathing suits, pools, and beaches can be.  I can remember hating the idea of trying on bathing suits each spring.  Trying to find the one that would hide my belly rolls or cover my hips was an annual routine.  And I can remember trying to find just the right cover up so I wouldn't feel terribly embarrassed standing next to my thin high school friends at the pool.  I would practice how to cross my arms or position my legs so that I could hide excess weight or cover cellulite.  I tried diets, but they just didn't work.  I would starve myself for a couple days only to end up eating cookie dough straight from the container. 

I was in college when I finally learned how to eat well, exercise properly, and respect my body.  I eventually lost 50 pounds by completely changing my lifestyle.  It didn't happen overnight, but I saw measurable results each week.  And I can remember one day looking in the mirror and
I am now healthier, stronger, and
more confident than I have ever been
finally seeing a body that I loved, respected, and felt secure about.  My body image was no longer one of self-doubt, ridicule, and agony.  I transformed my body image to be one of strength, beauty, and confidence.  I wish I had known more at an earlier age about healthy living.  It would have saved me a lot of heartache. 

My struggle made me stronger.  And I now use my knowledge and my strength to help others achieve success.  I have transformed bodies and lives – and I will transform yours.  Whether you are a bride, groom, member of a bridal party, planning a vacation, going to prom, attending a reunion, or simply want to feel confident when you shed your winter layers, I am here for you.  I will be your coach – a coach gives you a goal and then helps you reach that goal.  I am Coach D and I have the fitness and nutrition plan customized just for you.  And as your coach, I will educate, encourage, and motivate you the entire time.  Go to  to see all the ways I can help you and those you love.  Obesity is 100% preventable and this spring is your time to propel forward!