Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New Day, New Chance

Each New Year, many of us make resolutions.  We make a pledge to ourselves that we will reinvent or transform into a better, faster, stronger, less cursing, more praising, highly philanthropic, in-the-moment person.  While our intentions may be good, our goals are often too lofty and our willpower is too low.  It’s been said “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, and without a good plan, determination, and support, many of us will fail or abandon our resolutions.  In fact, only about 50% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions for three months, and even less keep them for six months. 

I resolved to change my life and was able to
ring in a healthier New Year. Let 2014
be the new chance for you to get healthy!
Some of the top resolutions each year include losing weight, getting in shape, and eating healthier.  These are awesome long-term goals.  However, we must first make a plan and achieve short-term goals so that we can realize our long-term resolutions.  So many times we don’t stick to our resolutions, especially when it comes to weight loss or health because we put unrealistic limitations and expectations on ourselves.  Don’t resolve to go on a diet or try a fitness gimmick, resolve to change your life and be healthy.  Here are my tips to help you fulfill your resolution for 2014. 

Be Realistic: If you haven’t run father than across a parking lot this year, chances are you won’t be running a half-marathon this spring.  And if you haven’t been to a gym since…you’re not even sure when, chances are you aren’t going to become a gym rat anytime soon.  Make weekly goals that you can accomplish – take a 20-minute walk around the block after dinner, add one vegetable to each meal, go to bed 10 minutes earlier and get up 10 minutes earlier to do jumping jacks & pushups.  Once you’ve met that goal, set a new one for the next week. 

Make a schedule: We put meetings, practices, lunches, etc in our calendar.  Make yourself a priority and write (or type) your workouts, grocery trips, and food prep days into your calendar.  You wouldn’t cancel a meeting with your boss or miss your kid’s game, so don’t be a no-show to yourself!

Stay Positive: Chances are you will have a bad day and you will make a bad choice.  But, don’t let it get you down.  Remember your long-term goals and realize that one little hiccup does not mean you should throw in the towel.  Tomorrow (or the next meal) is a new chance to make a better decision.  No matter what, you can always get back on track.  Each new day is a new chance for a fresh start. 

Ask for Help: We are more likely to stick to our resolutions when we have a partner to hold us accountable.  So pick someone you trust and share you resolution, goals, and plan.  Be specific about what you need, and ask them to motivate you and help you stay on track.  Choose someone that will hold you responsible, but will not criticize or make you feel worse. 

Celebrate Your Success: When you’ve accomplished one of your short-term goals, it is important to reward yourself.  But be careful that the reward doesn’t undo what you’ve accomplished.  Rather than celebrating with food, do something that makes you feel good and boosts confidence.  Get a mani/pedi or massage, buy a new pair or running shoes or workout gear, take a new class, or get a new kitchen gadget (a new blender for smoothies or indoor grill pan for fish & veggies).

With these tips I know we will all be successful in 2014.  This can be your healthiest year yet.  And don’t think January 1st is the only day you can make a change.  Each new day is a new opportunity – a fresh start and chance to get healthy.  Make today the day you decide to live better, look better, and feel better.  If you’ve made a resolution but your willpower is low, I am here to provide motivation and support.  I promise to help you live better, look better, and feel better in 2014.   I will make sure you reach your goals all year long, and I guarantee a healthier you will be ringing in 2015!  Go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com  to see all the ways I can help you and those you love.  Obesity is 100% preventable and this is the New Year, new day, and new chance to make it happen!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Don’t wait until New Years to make a resolution to health!

My 1st Christmas with Santa (my dad)
The holidays can be a tough time to stay healthy and maintain your weight, much less lose weight.  In fact, most Americans gain an average of 1-5 pounds between Halloween and New Year.  And what’s worse, they don’t lose that extra weight, so it compounds every year.  But, we can turn that trend around and be good role-models for our families.  We can keep the holiday spirit throughout the season without having the holiday hangover in the New Year.  The holidays are stressful enough with shopping, decorating, parties, mall traffic, and family & in-laws!  So here are my stress-free tips for getting all the joy out of the season while avoiding the holiday bulge.
  • Balance out your binges.  The holiday season is about six weeks long.  If you go to all the parties and eat everything at each one, you will certainly gain weight.  To help spread out the calories, choose one party a week and let yourself enjoy the food.  Limit your food intake (or simply decline the invite) at all the other parties. 
  • Don't stand near the hors d'oeuvres.  Take a few things, then walk away and get as far from them as possible so you're not tempted to pick from the platter or the buffet table. 
  • Implement the 15-minute rule.  Give yourself that much time before you hit up the yummies and caloric cocktails.  Grab a nonalcoholic beverage when you first arrive to keep your hands busy.  People are usually nervous at the beginning of an event, so you’re more likely to dive into the buffet table and end up eating more.  Make the rounds and socialize a little before hitting up the buffet table or bar. 
  • Don't ban your favorites.  The holidays are special, so decide which festive foods you really want and enjoy them, but skip those you aren’t all that crazy about.  If you love gingerbread cookies or cornbread stuffing, have some.  But, if you could take or leave those little pumpkin tarts or green bean casserole, don’t waste your calories. 
  • I've always loved the holidays
    Keep in-between meals low-calorie.  Balance out party splurges with über-healthy choices at other meals and on other days of the week.  Skip the chips or dessert at the meals just before and after your holiday parties.  It’s a lot more fun to have the calories at a special event.  Remember that French fries and milk shakes can be eaten all year round, but eggnog, pumpkin pie, and visions of sugar plums usually only come around once a year!
Make this the time of year to give the gift of health to yourself and your family.  It’s the gift that will last a lifetime… it could mean you have more holidays to enjoy.  I’m here to help you and your family, friends, and coworkers reach 2014 without packing on the holiday pounds.  From fitness to food, parties to family meals, I’ve got you covered.  Go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com  to see all the ways I can help you and those you love.  Obesity is 100% preventable and it starts this holiday season!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Be a Football Fan Without Looking Like a Lineman!

Pizza Wraps
This is the time of year we spend a lot of time tailgating, in front of the TV, or at a bar watching high school, college, and NFL games.  I love this time of year, but it can wreak havoc on our waistlines.  Did you know that just ten buffalo chicken wings have more calories and fat than a stick of butter?  And that doesn’t even include the blue cheese dip.  Did you realize that a typical platter of nachos has 30-35 grams of saturated fat?  That’s equal to a half cup of lard!  Did you know that just one slice of a pepperoni & sausage pizza has nearly a full day’s worth of sodium?  But, our favorite game day foods aren’t the only threats to our health.  Many of us may wash down our tailgate fare with a tall glass of sweet tea.  But, did you know just one glass of southern-style sweet tea has as much sugar as two Snickers bars? 

Homemade Fruit Sodas
Timeout!  There is no need to worry – I am your football fan coach!  I will make sure you enjoy this season without looking like a lineman by the Super Bowl!  I am currently doing office lunch-&-learns and football party/tailgate catering to help show your coworkers, friends, and family that you can still enjoy tailgate themed foods without all the health risks!  I have the food and beverage options with will keep your waistline and taste buds cheering all season long!  

Big Ten Slaw - Apple Cranberry Slaw
The photos you see here are from a recent lunch-&-learn I did for an office group of 40 attendees.  The feedback has been extremely positive!  In fact, people left with hands and plates full of food!  And the slaw was a crowd favorite.  One lady came up and said “I am a self-professed slaw snob, but I am going to make your slaw this weekend.”  And one man told me that he was going to email me because he wanted to “know more about that slaw.”  And another lady simply took an entire plate full with her when she left!  And I just received an email from one attendee asking for the exact recipe so she could make it for her bible study class.  I’d say my slaw – and the entire menu – was a touchdown!          

S'mores Brownie Bites
Whether you have a group of 5 or 50, I will accommodate you and your needs, preferences, and budget!  Some of my previous lunch-&-learns have been described as “AWESOME”, “fantastic”, “such a treat”, “enjoyable”, and “informative”. Contact me to book your lunch-&-learn or football party today!  And go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com  to see all the ways I can help you and all your football fans & players.  Obesity is 100% preventable and it starts this football season!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back-to-School and Back to Healthful Lunches & Snacks

Trail Mix - perfect after-school snack
As parents and kids get back into the routine of school and extracurricular activities, it’s a perfect time to start thinking about meals and snacks.  Proper nutrition is vital this time of year because we need to feed our kids the proper fuel to keep their bodies and minds strong.  These recipes are very affordable, which is great when you’re buying notebooks, book bags, and clothes for back-to-school.  Many of these can be prepared ahead of time and even with help from the kids!  The lunches will stay safe even if left at room temp for a few hours.  These are perfect lunches and snacks that even offer “extra credit”! 

School Lunches – pair one of the wraps or pasta salads with one of the sides for a complete lunch.
Wraps & Pasta Salads I love wraps and pasta because they are more durable and less likely to get soggy or smashed like sandwich bread can. 
Tasty Wraps perfect for school lunch
  • Mexican Burrito: whole wheat tortilla stuffed with scrambled egg, veggies, cheese, and salsa.  Extra Credit: This makes a great breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Plus, it can be served cold, hot, or room temp.
  • The Elvis Wrap: whole wheat tortilla spread with 1 T peanut butter and topped with sliced banana.  Extra Credit: This also makes a delicious breakfast and the beginning of an awesome dessert.  Just drizzle with a bit of honey, fold over the wrap and put it on a grill or Panini maker and you have an amazing dessert quesadilla.
  • Italian Wrap: whole wheat tortilla stuffed with chicken, pesto, chopped grape tomatoes.  Extra Credit: This offers a new flavor for kids in a familiar way.  Chances are kids have enjoyed the same flavors in a pizza or tomato soup.  If they’re still unsure about pesto, just call it a pizza wrap.
  • Asian Pasta Salad: whole grain pasta, brown rice, or quinoa, stir-fry mix, sesame seeds, drizzled with low sodium soy sauce and extra virgin olive oil.  Extra Credit: If you use the leftover veggies from your stir-fry the night before, you have an almost no-cost lunch.
  • Summer Pasta Salad: whole grain pasta, brown rice, or quinoa, sliced strawberries, crumbled goat cheese, chopped walnuts, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.  Extra Credit: This utilizes affordable and sweet strawberries while they are still in-season while the cheese and nuts add in interesting flavor and texture that kids love.
Yummy & healthful sides
Sides Freeze the fruit or veggies the night before the help keep the rest of the lunch cold, and the produce will be perfectly crisp by lunchtime. 
  • 1 cup lowfat cottage cheese with frozen strawberries
  • 1 string cheese, handful of baby carrots
  • 1 cup lowfat Greek yogurt, handful of frozen red grapes
  • 1 slice Swiss cheese wrapped around slices of bell pepper

After-School Snacks – These are extremely important so that kids are not literally running on empty.  Most school lunches are at about 11 AM and without an after-school snack, kids would go 6-8 hours until dinner.  We need to refuel every 4 hours. 
  • Coach D’s Homemade Trail Mix: 1½ cups of whole unsalted walnuts (or almonds), 1½ cups of raisins (or cranberries or other dried fruit), 1½ cups of Cheerios (or Shredded Wheat or no-added-sugar cereal), ¾ cup of dark chocolate chips (at least 60% cocoa).  Combine all ingredients in large mixing bowl.  Divide equally into seven individual ¾ cup portions and put into snack baggies. Extra Credit: This requires no refrigeration and is very resilient, which is great for an after-school snack.  Since most kids don’t go straight home after school, this can be stashed in a book bag, ball bag, instrument case, or purse and eaten at any time. 
  • 1 handful of almonds, 1 peach or 1 cup broccoli
  • Apple or banana with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 1 cup of lowfat Greek yogurt with 1 cup blueberries
  • Celery spread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and topped with raisins (ants on a log)
  • Lean meat (turkey, roast beef) wrapped around slices of red or yellow bell pepper
While these recipes are geared towards kids, they are great for adults as well.  And no matter your age or ability, you can make and enjoy these recipes!  So, it’s time to get back to school and back to health! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Growing Up and Feeling Down

I was not comfortable with my
body and preferred hiding it
Growing up is tough.  I know from experience that being a kid and teen are some of the most challenging times in our lives.  There are so many pressures associated with growing up – school, social life, puberty, changing bodies, media pressure, family issues, and countless more.  I have been working with many kids and teens over the past few years teaching them to live healthfully before they reach adulthood.  (This summer I am taking a proactive step – see details below.)  I can relate to these young people because I struggled with my weight growing up.  I spent the majority of my adolescence embarrassed about the way I looked.  I didn’t look like the cheerleaders I went to school with and I didn’t fit into the “cute” clothes girls my age were supposed to wear.  My belly usually stuck out further than my chest.  I can remember strategically tucking my shirt in the back so that it would blouse down in front and cover my stomach. I hated that my thighs rubbed together so badly when I walked that it created a rash.  I had to think about which shorts to wear so they would not ride up between my thighs if I was going to walk in front of people.   
These things I remember are still being experienced by kids and teens today.  However, it is only amplified by the added pressure of instant gratification/abuse from social media.  The kids I have worked with have struggled with health issues that run from anorexia to extreme overeating and complete inactivity to extreme exercising.  However, they all suffer from the same cycle of comfort and self-hatred that result from being unhealthy.  Many kids feel that they have no control over their life – parents’ divorce, school work, sibling trouble, peer pressure – and it begins to manifest itself in the way we treat our bodies.  Part of the process of getting physically healthy is making a mind-body connection.  In order to gain control of our health, we must be able to manage our thoughts and feelings about stress, food, our body, and life in general.  That can be very hard, especially for a teenager.  
I found confidence in sports, and
I will help teens find their confidence
Many kids find comfort in food.  They become good at eating away and through emotions then sit around the house because they avoid social situations.  This leads to a self-destructive cycle.  Kids and teens need guidance, structure, and discipline.  It may not be easy, but in order to find success, kids need to work hard.  Luckily when I was growing up I played sports.  There were times I was pushed outside my comfort zone, but that allowed me to progress and grow.  It also gave me confidence that I could make changes and believe in myself.  While change is never easy and no one likes leaving their comfort zone, some circumstances require it.  And the best things in life are the ones that we work hardest for and fight for.  Our health is definitely worth fighting for! 
This summer I am taking a leap towards getting kids and teens healthy.  I am offering a 60-day program.  I will coach, teach, and encourage kids and teens to break the cycle of feeling bad about themselves.  I will not judge, criticize, or embarrass.  I will motivate and inspire them to reach their full potential.  The goal is to transform their health and confidence before school begins again in the fall.  So, if you have or know a child or teen (middle school thru college) who is facing health issues, please tell them about my summer program or contact me directly – http://www.coachdconsulting.com/contact.html.
I know what it is like to grow up and feel down, but it does not have to be that way.  I will help kids and teens realize that.  And, please know that it is never too late!  Even if you’ve reached adulthood and still feel down, I am here to help.  Go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com  to see all the ways I can help you – ages two to 92!  Obesity is 100% preventable and it starts today! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Challenge Yourself to Change!

I have been working on a new project called the Fit Family Challenge for several months now.  It is a program to encourage families to get more active and eat healthfully.  The 2013 Challenge is new to Middle Tennessee and has now become a competition between Nashville and Charlotte, NC.  I am coaching the two lead families – the Saad and Uphoff families are two feature families that are being followed to help inspire and encourage other families to register for the Challenge. 
My first meeting with the Saad’s was one of the most pleasurable experiences I have had in a while.  They all welcomed me into their home to meet Jonathan (dad), Amanda (mom), Sonny (age 13), Anna (daughter age 4), and Joseph (son age 2).  I learned a little about this family’s dynamic and their current lifestyle.  Jonathan is currently a stay-at-home dad while Amanda works full time.  Amanda loves to cook and actually attends a fitness class a couple days a week.  However, Jonathan has fallen into the habit of drinking about 32 ounces of sugary soda and hitting the drive-thru on a daily basis.  His habits have been passed on to Sonny who follows in his dad’s footsteps.  Both parents and Sonny also have high blood pressure.  Also, Jonathan fights occasional joint pain and stiffness and Sonny experiences symptoms of ADD. 

I enjoy coaching the Uphoff family!
(courtesy of Parent Magazine)
I was also very excited to meet the Uphoff’s!  They are Brad (dad), Lindsay (mom), Nick (son age 8), Madisyn (daughter age 6), and Gage (son age 1).  The kids were high-energy and excited to get started.  I could tell Brad and Lindsay were a little nervous, but also very eager to begin.  As we talked about the Uphoff’s current lifestyle, I found they are like many typical families.  With work and school schedules, they fell into the habit of skipping breakfast, grabbing fast food and convenience meals and snacks, and taking little time to exercise. 
The Saad and Uphoff families have made huge steps towards a healthier lifestyle and I have seen some real changes.  But I have also started to see excuses crop up.  So many times when we don’t reach a specific goal or fall short of an intention, we are all too quick to make an excuse.  It’s easier to reason away setbacks and give wordy explanations about not getting enough exercise or not eating as healthily as we should be. 
Change is never easy and when we don’t meet expectations we have set for ourselves, it is much easier to make an excuse.  A few excuses I have heard recently – I was too busy with work, the baby was up all night, I have allergies, the baby threw up in the car.  Or we will come up with a reason to put off making a change.  A few of the put-off excuses I have heard – his work schedule should get better soon, it will be easier when the babies are out of diapers, it’s that time of the month.  No matter what excuse we try to make to ourselves or others, life will always be there to keep us on our toes.  When the kids are out of diapers, they will be into soccer and cheerleading.  When allergy season is over, it will be cold season.  When you get the car cleaned up, the dog will have chewed up the couch.  Life never stops. 
I continue to meet with the Saad’s and Uphoff’s and check in regularly.  They are doing a great job and making changes they can keep for life.  I look forward to continued work and progress.  I am happy to share the steps we take toward getting this family healthy and allowing them to inspire you and other families to take this Fit Family Challenge!   Go to http://www.nashvilleparent.com/family-matters/fit-family-challenge/ to read all of our blogs and to sign up for the Challenge. 
There is no more time for excuses.  There is no time left to say “I’ll start tomorrow”.  We have to start making changes today.  And now is your time.  Whether you need to lose ten pounds or 100 pounds, together we will transform your life.  Go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com  to see all the ways I can help you and those you love.  Obesity is 100% preventable and it starts by challenging yourself today! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring In To the Season

While the temperature is no indication in many parts of the nation, spring did arrive early this morning.  I love springtime.  It is a season of change and new beginnings.  We start heading outdoors, getting more active, eating fresher foods, and truly feeling a new season upon us.  I think it is a perfect time for change in our lives as well.  I have been working very closely with families lately.  I am helping parents and their children with lifestyle changes to get them healthier and happier.  And what better place to start than with the first holiday of the spring season – Easter!   

Start a healthy Easter early - I clearly loved Easter!
The celebration of Easter began as a religious holiday in ancient times.  It is a “festival” in the Christian calendar that marks the end of Lent and Holy Week.  However, nowhere in history did any of the ancient Christians, Greeks, or Jews require that Easter be celebrated with an Easter basket filled to the brim with sugar-loaded candy and fat-packed chocolate!  The idea that holidays must include unhealthy foods can lead kids to feel that sugary fatty foods are a celebration and a reward.  This is not a behavior we want our kids to grow up with.  So, this Easter season, celebrate with fun and healthful treats.  I love the idea of an Easter basket, just cram it full of wholesome treats and activities.  Here are a few of my suggestions for tossing into your kids’ Easter baskets:
·         Apples, oranges, and bananas
·         Costume jewelry, bubbles, stuffed animals, reading or coloring books, box cars
All Easter baskets are fun!
·         Toiletries, beauty & grooming products, and scented lotions
·         To get them in the kitchen, give them their very own whisk, spatula, or vegetable peeler, and maybe even a key ingredient they will need to make their very own lunch or dinner. When kids have ownership they are more likely to eat a healthful meal or snack. Plus, when you make the food yourself, you control the quality of ingredients that your kids eat.
·         Homemade gift certificates or coupons for family time. You chose whatever activities your family likes – e.g. one hour of playing their favorite outdoor game, going bowling or playing Wii on rainy days, setting up a tent in the backyard for a “camping” trip, etc.
·         All things should be enjoyed in moderation, so always toss in a few of their favorite candies on the top of the basket. But, keep them small (no giant bunnies) and individually portioned. A few good options are Peeps, Tootsie Rolls, Cadbury Crème Eggs, and Jelly Beans.
Most of all, enjoy the holiday with your family.  Remember that Easter is a festival, but it doesn’t have to be a fat-loaded feast to have fun!

I am very happy to share the stories of two of the families I am working with in the coming weeks.  You will also be able to follow the story from their perspective as we will all be blogging about the experience.  And, families in Middle Tennessee will even be able to participate in the movement to get healthy as well.  While change is never easy, it is much easier when you have education and encouragement – which is what I am here for.  No matter the season, I am here for you.  Go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com/Services.html to see all the ways I can help you and all your Easter bunnies.  Obesity is 100% preventable and it starts by springing in to the season!  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Love of Your Life

With Valentine’s Day a week away, most of us are thinking of ways we can show our significant other how much we love him or her.  However, I suggest we all take the time to also show ourselves a little love.  While I have been known to be a bit of a cynic when it comes to finding romance with “the one”, I am certainly no skeptic when it comes to being true to the only person you’ll be with forever – yourself.  And honestly, how can you expect someone else to love you if you don’t love yourself.  Plus, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be around for all those future Valentine’s Days to show and receive love from another.  

Enjoying a dance at my friend's wedding

In this nipped, tucked, and Botoxed world of reality television and air-brushed advertisements, many people get a warped sense of beauty and what they think they should look like.  However, this Valentine’s Day, I encourage women and men of all ages to look in the mirror and embrace what you see.  You shouldn’t starve yourself to fit into some skimpy dress or skinny jeans.  And no one should want to erase the minor flaws that come from living a full life.  Look in the mirror and truly love what you see.  The wrinkles and crow’s feet around your eyes echo the laughter you have shared over the years.  The wrinkles around your lips are mementos of the kisses you have given to show affection.  The stretch marks are a token of the way your body beautifully adapted to bear your child.  And those few extra pounds you’ve added over the decades are evidence of the many birthday cakes, holiday meals, and boxes of chocolates you have shared with the ones you love.  The freckles and dark spots on your skin are a reflection of the hours of fun you spent playing in the sun. 

Having fun in the sun with Dad
Why would anyone want to take away all those beautiful memories?  Chances are, your significant other loves your true beauty and recognizes that they are memories and not flaws.  And remember to tell your significant other this Valentine’s Day how beautiful they are and how much you love them.  And whether you have a significant other or not, remember that YOU are the love of your life – your own life.  Look in the mirror and love yourself.  Know that you need to take care of your body and stay healthy – no one else can do that for you. 

So this year celebrate Valentine’s Day and enjoy that box of chocolates – just maybe stick to the small box and make it dark chocolate this year!  While I am no matchmaker, I can certainly help you find love in your life – it’s the love of YOUR life.  From fitness to nutrition and everything in between, I am here for you.  Go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com/Services.html to see all the ways I can help you and all your Valentines.  Obesity is 100% preventable and it starts with the love of your life!  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Enjoy the Big Game, Minus the Big Belly

In a couple weeks, the Ravens and 49ers will be playing for the ultimate football title in this year’s Super Bowl.  Most all of us will be hosting or attending a Super Bowl party with lots of friends and food.  Most of these parties will include lots of fried foods, sugary treats, and high-calorie cocktails.  But, there are ways to enjoy the big game while avoiding the big belly.  Here is my game plan, which I share every football season, to combat the beer belly and still have fun:
·         If you order pizza, go for thin crust and order extra veggies rather than extra cheese.  If you eat a few slices of thin crust with extra veggies rather than thick crust with extra cheese, you could save hundreds of calories and lots of saturated fat!  Also, when ordering meat on your pizza, opt for Canadian bacon rather than pepperoni.  Even ground beef is a better choice than Italian sausage.  Anything that comes in a “link” will have way too many fillers and unwanted fat.  Or, make your own pizza with a bought crust (you can now find whole-wheat), fresh veggies, lean meats, and low fat cheese – you can buy 2% cheese and save a lot of fat, but it still tastes great and mozzarella is one of the lowest fat cheeses you can buy.
·         Try to avoid the hot wings.  Not only are they fatty meat, but they are deep fried, then dunked in butter and hot sauce.  An order of hot wings with bleu cheese dressing could load you up on more than a day’s worth of fat and calories.  For those of you who cook, or if a family member does, you can make your own hot wings or chicken fingers.  Simply bake them in the oven rather than deep frying them.  Marinate chicken fingers in hot sauce and buttermilk (or yogurt) for a few hours, coat chicken in whole wheat bread crumbs (or even crushed bran flakes or ground almonds), and bake on a baking sheet on high heat. 
·         Substitute ground turkey for beef in chili or nachos – with so many other flavors and ingredients, you won't even notice a difference. 
·         Go for salsa (tomatoes provide powerful antioxidants) or hummus rather than creamy sour cream or mayonnaise based dips.  Also, baked tortilla chips or whole wheat pita chip are actually heartier than fried tortilla chips and are much lower is saturated fat.  Whole wheat pita chips even offer you a serving of whole grains.  Also, use celery, carrots, or any other crunchy veggie as a dipper. 
·         If you do prefer the creamy dips, substitute low fat yogurt or sour cream for the full fat mayonnaise or sour cream.  It’s a very simple substitution and one that you will never notice. 
·         Opt for light beer rather than red label, MGD, or other high calorie beers.  And make sure you drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you down.  A recent report found that men who drink more than two alcoholic beverages a day have lower levels of testosterone than those who drink two or less.  C’mon…are a few beers every day worth losing your manly testosterone…seriously…think about it. 
·         If you are looking for simple munchies that you can reach for during the game, light popcorn is an excellent choice.  You can add flavor to the light popcorn by sprinkling on some chili powder, cumin, or even cinnamon.  Also, unsalted roasted almonds and walnuts are great for snacking.  Just limit yourself to about a handful each day.  Make sure you stay away from packaged cookies and fattening sweets – have fresh fruit and bite-size dark chocolates to nibble on.

Savor your Super Bowl party, but also remember to cheer for yourself and your future health.  Use my tips for your party.  Or, if you are hosting a party and need help menu planning or want me to take care of the catering, I am here for you!  From chili to wings to signature cocktails and desserts, I’ve got you covered!  And go to http://www.coachdconsulting.com/Services.html to see all the ways I can help you and those you love every day of the year.  Obesity is 100% preventable and that is a goal we can all score!